Why did you come out for this show? In all honesty, it sounded really interesting. After reading the play and doing research, to fully realize all of the actions and implications of the human race since the 1800s is truly a feeling of gravity. The sense of, "we did this. It happened."
What is your background in theatre? I found my love for the stage in a nonprofit that was called Alectra Theatre in 1996, I started with speech and acting classes, grew into dance and vocal classes and appeared in various shows such as: The Velveteen Rabbit (2002), James and the Giant Peach( 2003), and The Ant and the Grasshopper (2005, Alectra Children's Theatre.) Between 2005-2008 I volunteered at Alectra: I built sets, designed props, learned how to set and run lighting, stage managed and understudied for other shows. Mentoring under Jacquelyn Madley I attained my Advanced Performer's Certificate from Trinity Guildhall London. I am also a member of the Spoken Word Youth Choir. My most recent performances have been: The Canadian Badlands Passion Play (2011, Drumheller);Savage/Love (2011) and Into the Woods (2012, Grant MacEwan University.) This is my first Walterdale show, and It's hard to keep in the excitement. Growing up in a nonprofit, and participating in a nonprofit just feels right.
What has this show taught you? It absolutely blows my mind even now when I think about it. We actually subjected our own people, and people in other countries to radiation poisoning through transporting it to utilizing it as a weapon. Makes you sit back and really rationalize with your own mortality. But on a lighter note its amazing how much Marie Clements packs into it. It's really a solid piece of text and the multi-media collaboration over it sounds delicious just reading its description. Burning Vision is really something more people should read, look into, and deeply consider the implications of action. I never remembered learning of Canada's Uranium trade in grade school, and it's insightful to understand the dark corners of one's culture.
What is the most challenging thing about this production? The most enjoyable? Probably finding my roots for both characters. I had a lot of angles for Charlie, and unfortunately, not so many for the Other Stevedore, so after adjusting both of them here and there makes the shoes fit more comfortably. Burning Vision is amazingly designed like a parka--easily seen as a single thing, or an interesting collection of pockets. The overall process is always what I appreciate and enjoy about shows: seeing how much growth can happen is a really spiritual experience.
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