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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Spotlight on Graham Mothersill - Jason in Rabbit Hole

What is your role in this production? I play Jason, the young man who is responsible for Danny's death. He remains on the fringe of the action as he attempts to make some sort of contact with Becca and Howie. I love playing Jason because he is such a contrast to the other four characters of the show who are very familiar with each other. He is young, inexperienced, and going through his own unique turmoil in the midst of the chaos.

What did you audition for this show? I actually saw Rabbit Hole three years ago at Alberta Theatre Projects in Calgary, where I worked as an usher. It was the first show that I ushered for at ATP, and now its the first show I've been in at Walterdale. I auditioned for Jason because the show has been stuck in my head since I first saw it. The opportunity to play a character close to my own age was also a huge factor! Rabbit Hole's domestic setting, for me, is what makes it so universal. In the grand scheme of the world, the struggles of these five character mean so very little - but to them it's the whole world, and isn't that how it is for everyone?

What is your background in theatre? I've been performing in choirs and small productions since I was three years old, but I wasn't serious about theatre until I played Tom Collins in Summerstock Calgary's production of RENT in the summer after grade 12. That production changed the course of my life (goodbye med school!), and will likely result in me owning a MUCH smaller house than I would've otherwise been able to afford. Most of my acting experience has been in various scene study classes and larger musical theatre productions. I'm currently a second year BA Drama major at the University of Alberta.

What has been your favorite part of the show?
1. Lemon squares
2. Making inappropriate jokes to my cast mates regarding my driving
3. Working with this fantastic group of people that my university courses would never have allowed me to work with.

Any other comments? Seriously, those lemon squares are something else.

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