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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spotlight on Rob Johnstone - Don Pedro in Much Ado About Nothing

1. What is your role in this production? Don Pedro
2. Is this your first Shakespearean production? It's my fourth and the second time round for Much Ado. My first was As You Like It (Sylvius), followed by Much Ado (Benedick) and Midsummer Nights Dream (Oberon). When I came home after auditioning for Dream my youngest son asked me if I got a part and I reported that I had and character was Oberon. He then asked who Oberon was and I replied that he was a king. Wise child that he is then asked "king of what" and when I replied "the faries" he just rolled his eyes and walked away.
3. What is it that drew you to this production? We found Walterdale during the fringe when we went to see Molly Bloom, as we were leaving , after the performance, we saw the past production pictures on the wall and noted that recent productions included Jimmy Dean and Lend me a Tenor shows our Theatre group in Ottawa had done. As we read the plaques and looked around we saw many similarities to our old theatrical home (Kanata Theatre) right down to the friendly English lady (I am assuming Jan Streader, always a phenomenal Walterdale Ambassador) who chatted with us, telling us more about Walterdale, it's history, past productions and perhaps most importantly what the upcoming season was. We were excited to see Rabbit Hole on the season as we had missed a production of it in Ottawa and really wanted to see it. Home we went with brochures for the season and the company in hand. After a several days my wife, Martha, suggested I audition for Much Ado as that might open some doors for involvement in the group. Theatre groups seem like great places to get involved, meet people and find ones feet tin a new city. The fact that the play that was being audioned next was Much Ado was a bonus.
4. What is your favourite thing about being in this production? As Beatrice says when asked what parts she loves of Benedick best "for all of them together" The cast is great, so too the crew, our fearless director and for the opportunity. Thanks Much

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