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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Celebrating Alberta Arts Days and Walterdale Theatre!

This past Saturday we held an Open House and our AGM. Both events were well-attended and went very well. The combination of the Farmer's Market (Art's Barns) and Earth Day Celebrations (Gazebo Park) created a lot of foot traffic through our community. As well, we had several dedicated members in costume going out with fliers to bring people into the building and then leading tours through our backstage areas. We estimated 100-200 people through the building, asking questions, finding out what we are all about and signing up for shows.

The AGM was also well attended. We had over 50 members in attendance. I am excited to announce the new Board of Directors:
President - Eric Rice
Vice President - Justen Bennett
Treasurer - Dave Wolkowski
Secretary - Prudence Olenik
Artistic Director - Kristen M. Finlay
Director of Public Relations - Marissa Loewen
Director of Productions - Kimberlee Stadelmann and Jim Draginda
Membership Director - Ruby Swekla
Building Director - John Henoch
Technical Director - Brent Jans
Directors of FOH - Catherine Wenschlag and Annelise Coutu

The second half of the evening was a lot of fun. Thank you to crew who helped present the season in music (Sally Hunt, Erin Foster-O'Riordan, Kimberlee Stadelmann, Ian Corry, Kristin Johnston, and Maria Harman). The Fun Awards were handed out, as well as the Outstanding Season Contribution Award (Kimberlee Stadelmann) and the Jack Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award (Pat Eyford).

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