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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tweet All About It - Live Tweet Night at From Cradle to Stage

Last night we invited local arts tweeters to the show and to share their thoughts about the plays.  It was great fun having them in our house and they provided great feedback on twitter before, during intermission and after the show.

Here are some of their tweets:

About The Ugly Spot:

The Ugly Spot poignant glimpse of two lonely people

I want to see "The Ugly Spot" at about 5 more times

Lisa Lorentz-Gilroy knows how to craft a beautiful story. Would love to see "The Ugly Spot" further developed and staged again

The Ugly Spot just finished. So sad. So good! There should be a ravine-themed new play festival.

About Exposure:

by B Hughes& Engagingly-irritating characters, interesting premise, credible end

Exposure has an eloquent script & captivating cast. I'm excited to review it!

Lights going down for Exposure by Bethany Hughes, Stephen Allred & . How do 3 people write 1 play?

Answer: extremely well. Another touching offering from at . Gonna go drink a glass of milk now.

About the Evening as a Whole:

I was right! I feel so much better after at Those plays were 2 glowing little peas in a pod!

Mounting The Ugly Spot and Exposure in the same festival was such a great choice! The two complement each other so well.

Tweeter Louise Mallory is also a local blogger.  The link to her blog about From Cradle to Stage 2013 can be found here.

Walterdale Theatre Associates can be found on twitter @WalterdalePlays

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