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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spotlight on Richard Hatfield - Lighting Designer for The Threepenny Opera

What is your role on this production? I am the Lighting Designer and I helped build the set. I take care of lighting up the stage in a manner that allows for depiction of location, time and mood for the various scenes. Most importantly, I try to ensure that the actors can be seen!

What is your background in theatre? I started out in the later 80's hanging lights for a number of shows. Since then, with the help of the many great people who taught me, I have become very active in many aspects of backstage. I have Stage Managed, Sound Teched, Lighting Teched, assisted in building sets, been Master Builder, as well as many more duties. Currently I am Walterdale's Technical Director. Together with my extraordinary Technical Team, we take care of Walterdale's technical requirements.

Why did you join this production? Kat Evans was describing the set and concept to me during the lighting hang for Much Ado About Nothing and I expressed an interest in helping out. When she later offered me the role of Lighting Designer, I jumped at it. This show and set provided me opportunities to try some things I had never attempted before.

Challenges? The show has a number of fun challenges. One was that I had to come up with a concept for the lighting and bringing it to life. Another is that this show has no drapery to hide our nice brick walls and it is purposely exposed to the audience. I had to come up with a way to make the back wall of hte theatre work with the rest of the stage. Rewards? The most amazing reward one could ever ask for is always granted here! Friendship and working with a top notch team to achieve the common goal of presenting the show to the masses. I have met so many people that, without theatre and this show, I would have never had the luxury of meeting.

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