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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Auditions - From Cradle to Stage

The audition notice for From Cradle to Stage is posted on the Walterdale Website. You can email me at for an appointment. The structure is cold reads from the scripts so nothing has to be prepared in advance. As these are new works the scripts are not available, either, but a description of each of the plays is in the audition notice. There are several roles for many different ages and types.

The season submission deadline has passed. I was worried about not getting enough to choose from, but on the last day I had several entries come my way. Now I have too many great plays to choose from. I have to make the season balanced though, so that will affect which ones I choose to put together. I cannot make any decisions until after the Donor Voted Show is selected on January 16th, so I have a bit of time to read and think about how I put everything together. I would rather have more choices than fewer though, so that is a good thing. The hard part is knowing that some great people will be turned down. Hopefully I can find them a role somewhere else in the season.


  1. I'm rooting for something edgy! Woo!

  2. It all depends on what you think is edgy! I hope to have some cool stuff in there... right now it is jsut a matter of fitting things together the right way for a balanced season. I have quite a few good choices!
